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My Way Masterclass MC

We are creating a new and exciting experience

Forget the traditional way to learn and grow

Coming soon... The new Butterfly dream

My Way Masterclass I
First Video Series

Presents The Butterfly Method®

A video series created for educational purposes and addressing the The Butterfly Method® It will help YOU improve your riding abilities, as well as your set of skills and knowledge in the equestrian and psychological fields.

1 Fundamentals
  • Be one with your horse

  • Flatwork

  • Distances

  • Cavaletti and Poles on the ground

2 Lemniscate
  • Balance

  • Breathing

  • Lemniscate exercise

3 Shamrock
  • Mental training

  • Shamrock exercise

4 Butterfly
  • Morning routine

  • Butterfly selfie

  • Butterfly exercise

Coming soon... The new Butterfly dream

My Way Masterclass II 
Second Video Series

The Dynamic Butterfly

This is the second video series of My Way Masterclass - The Dynamic Butterfly- in partnership with Equisense, which is a continuation of the first video series -The Butterfly Method®

In the Dynamic Butterfly, distances and other difficulties were added, as well as the use of the Equisense sensor.
These two Masterclasses are designed for riders, trainers and anyone who wants a structured approach to riding.

In this Masterclass, Luciana Diniz, Olympic show jumping rider, gives you all the keys to work on the different difficulties encountered on a competition course. Accompanied by the Equisense technology, she will also give you her secrets of champion.

Through 15 detailed videos, we will retrace 4 days spent with Luciana Diniz. You will be immersed in the daily training of the 2 horses she is preparing for the Tokyo Olympics, but also in her daily life as a rider: her mental preparation, her habits, her method.

My Way Masterclass II

Coming soon... The new Butterfly dream

My Way Masterclass III 

 Third video series

Presents The Heart Butterfly

 Learn how to ride a good jump off

My Way Masterclass III
1 Flat work- My Way Masterclass III
  • How to jump a jump off, to go faster and short in the turns and get fences in an angle, using this exercise as a flat work.

2 Cavaletti - My Way Masterclass III
  • A cavaletti work to train my canter, control, rideability, balance and leg changes.
    Also rhythm, concentration and visualisation.

3 Jumping
  • Look forwards; breathe between fences; body straight; stay connected in your seat; quiet, soft hands

4 Different angles
  • Here we are going to train a lot of different possibilities of a jump off and riding with different angles

Coming soon... The new Butterfly dream

My Way Masterclass IV 
Fourth video series

My Best Jump Offs

The jump off is the moment when we test our focus, control of emotions and ability to put all our training into practice.

In this My Best Jump offs Masterclass:

-I will teach you how to do a video review by watching my review on 8 of my best jump offs

-I will give you tools and solutions to master your jump off

-I will show you how to connect with your horse, yourself and the whole arena

In addition, video instills positive images and feelings in athletes' minds.

Watching videos of yourself and of an athlete you admire is a powerful tool for strengthening important mental muscles such as confidence, intensity, and focus. It can also be used, when combined with mental imagery, to improve technique and tactics.

My Way Masterclass IV
8 Aspects MC

The 8-Aspects

Reinforcement Program

First Season


I created The 8-Aspects Reinforcement Program together with the experts that made a difference in my life to support you on this transforming e- learning curve, which gives you tools to practice in your daily life.


Understand your horse properly - and use this knowledge to deal with them properly. Learn the language of horses

  • with Horsemanship professional Leo Rauscher


Emotions determine our lives. Identify the causes of your blockages and start your journey to emotional freedom

  • with Meditation Coach

Bettina Hallifax


Preparation for competitions: Use mental imagery to focus and feel good and positive. Do your physical and mental warm up

  • with Sports Mental Trainer

Jean-Cyrille Lecop


Equine Sport Therapy means: Optimisation of the well-being by well in functioning working body. Helping hands, sharp view and true feeling

  • with Sporthorsetherapist

Karin Link


Qi Gong gives your power strength and is a fantastic way to get your mind and body in a flow. Perfect mind set to connect with your horse

  • with Qi Gong Master Coach

Frederik Nelting

Coming soon... The new Butterfly dream

Coming soon... The new Butterfly dream

The 8 Aspects II

The 8-Aspects Reinforcement Program 
Second season with:

João Torrão - Dressage lessons

Equisense - A smartphone application to help you achieve your goals

Anna Kerckhoff - Connection with your horse and yourself

The 8-Aspects Reinforcement Program is a continuation of the first season.
These three experts will work the connection between you, your horse and yourself, the use of digital sensors to improve your riding abilities and dressage tips from an Olympic dressage rider.

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Dressage lessons

  • With dressage Olympic rider João Torrão


A smartphone application to help you achieve your goals

  • With Equisense Motion Sensors

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Connection with your horse and yourself

  • With equus coach Anna Kerckhoff

Coming soon... The new Butterfly dream

The 8-Aspects Reinforcement Program III
Third season

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Lower  Part Exercises 

  • With Myoflex Therapist Markus Rachl

Upper Part Exercises

  • With Myoflex Therapist Markus Rachl

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Yoga class for horse riders

  • With Rita Desterro

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Fitness exercises for horse riders

  • With Adam Ferreira

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Horsemanship teaches how to sensitize and desensitize

  • With Leo Rauscher

Coming soon... The new Butterfly dream


The Dynamic Butterfly with Equisense

In order to give you all the means to develop your riding skills, and to work on your mind, I have chosen to present to you The Butterfly Method® in collaboration with Equisense.

Throughout the Masterclass, Equisense will help you track your horses locomotion, GPS and heart rate data thanks to its smartphone application and sensors.



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Contact me

Luciana Diniz
GmbH & Co KG

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